Free Online Tarot

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Ask the Tarot: Ask a question and choose 7 cards for your Free Tarot spread

Don't be fooled by the brevity and simplicity of the answers nor by the fact that this is a free, exclusive reading of the Major Arcana, this reading has passed the test of time and has been tested several times over the years. million users.

This is the interpretation of your reading today

The card positions represent:

1st Letter: how are you now
2st Letter: What else do you want right now?
3st Letter: Your fears
4st Letter: What is happening to you?
5st Letter: What happens?
6st Letter: The result based on your current state
7st Letter: The result based on the question you have asked
When the Death card appears in the spread, it means that there will be a dramatic change in your life that will lead you irreparably to a new beginning. It usually symbolizes the loss of something, failure or destruction.
When it appears in the spread, it has to do with some travel, but not with physical travel, but with a journey of progression, of progress towards your goals. Therefore, whenever you choose a change of course, this card is positive, it tells you that you are on the right path and that if you keep working hard, you will get what you want.
When The Moon appears in your spread you will have to think very carefully about what it could mean, because it is a confusing card that can be tricky. He is telling you that decisions that carry a certain risk are coming, but he does not tell you if they are for better or for worse. It can also mean that someone is hiding something from you, that there are secrets in your life and that you may have a confusing time inside. So the best advice is to be cautious with whatever, person or decision you are about to make.
The Magician in the spread refers to upcoming decisions that you have to make, despite the fact that you meditate well on the answers of where to opt, that decision made will be the correct one.
The Star card means hope, good times, renewal. It tells you that you will achieve the spiritual peace that you were looking for so much, that you will begin to be happier and have good opportunities.
The Hermit Tarot card means that you have to look out for yourself without help. If it appears to you, you will have to examine your conscience and look into your spiritual interior.
In The World card, this is endowed with the meaning of conquest, power, the result of all effort and the reward of everything that is started, as well as the permanent evolution of the human being, both internal and external.
The Tower warns you of unexpected changes that will soon occur in your life. These are negative and dramatic changes that cannot be avoided, but you can try to tackle them that are a little less difficult.
If The Hanged Man card appears in the spread, it means that things will change. You don't know if it will be for the better or for the worse, or what kind of change, it can be professional, personal, spiritual, etc., but your life will take another direction and you will have to accept it. It can also mean that you will have to give up something to improve your life.
When the Emperor Tarot card appears in your reading, it symbolizes authority, reason, and fatherhood. This card advises us to be rational and assertive in our personal and professional lives, to go far.
When The Lovers card appears in a Tarot reading, it means that you are at some point in your life where you have made, are about to make, or will have to make a very difficult decision. Usually it is about love or relationships, but it can also have to do with our professional lives or negotiations, and if you take the right path the result will be positive.
When El Loco is seen in a spread, it implies that there will soon be terminations or closures and that with the end of stages will come the beginning of new ones, without specifying the quality of the change, simply the existence of these.
The Temperance card tells us positive things, if it appears in the spread it means that we will be lucky enough to start new projects, as long as we know how to maintain an emotional and personal balance. If we don't, this card would advise us to take the necessary steps to moderate ourselves and, if we already are, it suggests that everything we want to achieve is within our reach.
The meaning of The Empress in the Tarot series represents the mother, resolves love conflicts and suggests that we will be successful at work, especially if we intend to start or undertake a new business.
The High Priestess symbolizes a woman with a lot of intuition, mystery, knowledge, wisdom and intelligence. This indicates that things will happen in your life that will make you discover things in yourself that you did not know yet. The High Priestess represents the things you don't yet know about your life.
If the Justice Card appears in the reading, it will be a clear sign of Karma and balance in your life. Depending on your past, present and future actions, the result will be in your favor, neutral or against you, since the card itself does not mean that it is good or bad, but it depends on the Karma that you have accumulated.
If the Wheel of Fortune card appears in your spread, it means that there will be changes in your life, that you will be lucky and that in general everything will improve, but not without ups and downs.
When the Strength card appears in the spread, it means that you have, or will have, a lot of self-confidence and security in difficult situations. It tells us that you like to have power, command, but that you know how to handle situations very well and you don't get out of control.
If the Devil card appears in the reading, it mainly means negative things, feelings such as anger, fear, temptation or acts of violence. Perhaps you are trapped in a relationship that is hurting you, addicted to some substance, or involved in a web of lies, whether you are the one who promotes it or the one who suffers from it.
When The Pope appears in a reading, it means education, wisdom and tradition. He suggests that you look for someone to guide or advise you in your personal or professional life. He also tells us that you should be satisfied with what he has, as it is neither a positive nor a negative card.
The card of The Sun, being the opposite of the Moon, carries with it light, color, joy, positive energy. If it appears in circulation in your spread, it will bring you good news, upcoming victories, successes and fortune, both sentimental and personal and financial.

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Other free online Tarot

If you have more specific questions on a more specific topic, you can go directly to its related topic, so the reading will focus on your intention to know the answers on that specific topic.

Affordable Personalized Telephone Tarot Reading

The following tarots are made through the use of the telephone, for those people who require a higher level of personalized precision in terms of the interpretation of the cards; for this we have the best professional tarot readers, who are fully available 24 hours a day.

Tarot Cards Meaning

With ambiguous beginnings, the first appearance of the tarot that we are aware of occurs at the end of the XNUMXth century, although its origin is not known, since there are those who say that it was created in Spain, as well as others who affirm that it was in Egypt. , with many more claims as to what locations are concerned, this leaves the beginnings of the Tarot as mystical; giving way to what concerns us, that being a reality for centuries, the tarot works, offers accurate and reliable answers to the doubts of the human being, evolved since its creation and, in our days, the Tarot performs its interpretations from the major arcana, heroes and gods, which represent foundations, philosophical and astronomical expressions.

The 78 cards of the Tarot: Know the Arcana

We can think that with the meaning of the 22 major arcana, which are the key cards of most of the Tarot and the 56 minor Arcana, we would cover all the meanings, but there is more than one type of Tarot. Click on the one of your interest to know the meaning of their cards.

The Tarot of destiny; connection to mother earth

Getting the negative energy out letting the positive energy in, in a relaxed way, is essential to create this connection. By feeling how you receive from the earth and from nature, as well as from the guardian angels, a state of protection, you will be prepared to obtain answers from the Tarot.

The breath in the Tarot; creating intent

It is a very important factor to tune in with the energies and forces of the earth is the attitude and the own energy, as well as with the Guardian Angels and Spiritual Guide; Be relaxed with the right weather. Feel the contact of your body with the earth, and as it is, it transmits all its energy to you. Conscious breathing will give you a state of happiness that will allow your mind to be as free as a blank sheet of paper, ready for the answers to the letters to be written on it.

free online tarot questions and answers

They are the basic pillars of the Tarot, so the free concrete tarot must be the answer to a clear question.

Think carefully about the question to which you want the Tarot to find an answer

With your body and mind prepared, try to imagine the aura coming out of you, illuminating the moment that surrounds you, light that will illuminate your whole person, giving you security and peace. Ask the Tarot for free.

Prayer to find answers

Already in a state of enlightened connection, you have done the necessary preparation to start thinking about the question, which is often invoked by an opening sentence.

«Angels of the universe, my guardian angels, mother earth of all forces, protect me and guide me to be able to channel my energies in a perfect way to choose the question that gives me a solid and positive answer, cleaning my energy fields of all negative influence. Nourish my heart, making it my strength to face my destiny. Thanks."

Or in the same way, you can ask your guides for help, which will make each previous sentence different.

Important aspects when formulating a question so that the deck offers a specific Tarot answer 

Asking short, uncomplicated, monothematic questions facilitates the interpretation of the cards, so it will make the answers more reliable, since the cards always tell the truth, but they must carry with it a good interpretation, since, the Tarot will speak of your question or your destiny, being you, owner and lord of the answer.

The preparation of tarot cards

You have to be aware of the place that the choice of cards will occupy. Of the 7 that you are going to choose, they will take a specific order, giving each of the cards the answers to their theme referred to in the following order:

1.- Money

4.- Health

2.- Love

5.- Future

7.- Destination

3.- Work

6.- Present

Each Tarotist can prepare the cards personally, the most common being the one in which the forces of the Universe are invoked at the time of throwing the cards.

Once the cards have been used, they must be cleaned and ordered from 0 to 22, and at the same time, kept in a purple velvet bag, thus excluding the negative energies that are in the environment.

Tarot is reliable

In the Tarot spread, you will receive a literal reading of the cards that appear in response to your question, as literal as the symbology that appears, how it appears and the details that surround these appearances, in the course of the roll; they are the ones who are going to give the meanings.


In this, and totally linked, influences the reading ability that throws the cards in esotericism, which, depending on this ability, can go beyond what is evident that the card shows. This deeper reading often goes beyond the symbology, depending on what you manifest.

free concrete tarot

In the same way, despite the fact that the cards give the correct answers, a card reading does not mean that you have a total of correct answers, since there are several factors that influence this and the questions asked. The state of mind, not being in the right climate, the anxiety of knowing, the lack of connection with the earth, are factors opposed to the good work of the Tarot, if more not, these non-idyllic factors sometimes intercept the uptake and influence when turning the card over.

Thus, a reading with all the correct parameters has a much wider margin of truth, so the results will be more in line with your expectations. These same parameters of connection and calm also occupy their place in an online card reading, where despite the fact that there is also a margin of error, you will be aware of the forecast of what is to come.

Get fired up and know the prognosis of your destiny. Esotericism is a companion of intuition and the Tarot, and you can be the one to immerse yourself in it, asking questions about everything you want to know. Connect, relax, ask yourself a question and choose the cards that your intuition tells you.


You can also check out the meaning of dreams, as a new section of our website. touch the image To access them: