Arcana Combinations with Death

The card of Death is one of the Major Arcana of the Tarot that is represented by the number thirteen (XIII). This card by itself when it appears in a Tarot spread speaks of drastic changes, closure and the beginning of new cycles in life.

This Major Arcana is also linked to transformation, renewal and positive changes in life. However, when it appears followed by another Major Arcana, the meaning varies.

Death with the Fool

Death with The Fool (0) in a Tarot spread heralds the culmination of a relationship. One of the two decides to go another way and does not want to continue. This duo also indicates that disagreements will arise when making a decision, there is a conflict of preferences and each person wants different things. In the workplace, La Muerte and El Loco are a sign of change of place or work space.

Death with the Magician

When Death appears accompanied by The Magician (I) in a card query, he warns that important events are going to happen, very positive changes and the beginning of a new stage.

That love relationship that brought you headaches and harmed you is over, people with good vibes and good intentions will come into your life. Ties that were damaging are broken, both in love and in work. In fact, these Major Arcana together speak of the beginning of a new job, there is fluidity with co-workers and in the family as well.

Death with the High Priestess

If Death appears followed by The High Priestess (II) it means that, even if you don't want to, you are going to have to start an inner transformation, your principles and values ​​will have to be modified so that you find the solution to a problem.

This duo in labor matters presages drastic and unexpected changes at work, things that change in a forced way and will make you see things differently. In the sphere of love, these Major Arcana combined predict legal problems.

Death with the Empress

Death and The Empress (III) together in a Tarot consultation presage a fracture in some part of the body, you must be careful not to make sudden movements. In love, they predict the arrival of a new love, someone who will bring satisfaction and pleasant moments.

Conflicts are overcome without suffering, without any consequences to regret. Relations at work will improve, an atmosphere of satisfaction and comfort arises.

Death with the Emperor

Ideal time for investment or to finalize an economic transaction, that is indicated by Death and The Emperor (IV) in a card reading. They also speak of important transformations that will take place in life. You will begin to feel new things on an emotional level.

These Major Arcana combined are harbingers of satisfying relationships with friends, strength and solidity. On the other hand, they also indicate that you are going to pay more attention to your health, you are going to work to feel better.

Death with the High Priest

When Death appears followed by The High Priest (V) or Pope, they presage the realization of just acts. The things that will begin to happen in your life are the product of divine justice. It is about positive changes, satisfactory things come to your life and you will feel very good. Everything will be deserved. The bad times go away in the work area and everything begins to improve in a positive way as well.

Meanwhile, on a romantic level, when these two cards appear combined, they predict the end of a relationship where you gave more than the other party. The good news for the consultant is that someone arrives who will love him and love will be reciprocated, it will be a wonderful relationship for both, a relationship of respect and personal growth.

Death with Lovers

Decision-making moments come, both in love and at work, this is the main message of Death and The Lovers (VI) when they appear together in a Tarot reading. On the one hand, they portend that you will have to leave behind a love relationship that hurts you or that is not going well. On the other hand, in terms of work, this duo announces that you will have to decide between your real job or a new job that they are going to offer you. You will feel uncertainty in both cases, but life will push you to decide.

Death with the Car

The past is left behind and finally stops disturbing you, that indicates La Muerte when it comes out accompanied by the card from El Carro (VII). In a Tarot consultation, this combination is an omen of changes that you will not be able to avoid, times of radical transformation are coming. The good news is that you will take on these changes with wisdom and strength.

On the other hand, if you are in a relationship and in a Tarot query Death and The Chariot appear, it indicates that you are leaving a relationship, even if it causes you pain, but you are moving on. That person you leave will assume it better than you think. In case you have a healthy relationship, these arcana indicate that you are going to overcome the obstacles of life.

Meanwhile, in the workplace, La Muerte and El Carro announce a new job or position that will be beneficial, new opportunities to grow and develop professionally.

Death with Justice

Death followed by Justice (VIII) are a duo that speaks of changes that originate in the world of work to bring you positive results, new challenges are presented to you. These Major Arcana speak of transformations that occur as a result of karma. In the romantic sphere, Death and Justice predict that everything is in order, things are balanced, responsibilities, dedication and resentments dissolve. Any doubt about the past vanishes, the relationship takes another course.

Death with the Hermit

Death and The Hermit (IX) together in a Tarot reading announce changes in the way of seeing life situations. A wise person will give you advice in the midst of a turbulent stage in your life. It is possible that these cards are telling you that you need time alone with yourself, you need to take some time and get away from the hustle and bustle. This duo invites you to reflect before acting.

Death with the Wheel of Fortune

You will not be able to avoid the path of evolution, of changes, that is what Death says along with The Wheel of Fortune (X). To grow you will have to leave behind relationships that are not good for you, break with old concepts and ways of thinking, abandon projects that are not working. These cards mark the end and the beginning of a new stage in your life in all areas, including work.

By accepting the process of evolution, new positive projects come and you reach the desired order. Everything takes a clear and satisfactory course. In the process of these transformations, it is likely that you will feel some health problems, some discomfort, but nothing serious.

Death with the Force

When Death and Strength (XI) appear in a Tarot spread, they indicate that something is going to happen at work that will make you feel insecure, but you will come out of that situation with flying colors and stand firm in your position. You will know how to get ahead. This duo talks about inevitable changes that will forge your character and make you a more confident person.

If you ask about love, the appearance of these Major Arcana describes a person who will need your support, you will be his tower, his strength in a very painful and difficult situation.

Death with the Hanged Man

A love relationship ends and the scar remains, that is indicated by Death and The Hanged Man (XII) when they appear together in a Tarot spread. This duo says that the consultant does not exceed the culmination of the relationship, but his partner does. At work, these cards portend sacrifices and a lot of commitment, which will cause certain freedoms to be lost. These Major Arcana are a sign that it is time to stop and meditate, be calm and think in peace.

Death with Temperance

You are going to expand your list of contacts to boost your work field, that is foreshadowed by Death and Temperance (XIV) when they appear together in a Tarot spread. In love, the consultant's partner is going through a moment of internal transformations, be patient and rely on communication.

This pair of Major Arcana also indicates that you will have to form a partnership with other people to promote your company. That will help you get out of a losing streak.

Death with the Devil

Death with El Diablo (XV) in a spread of cards does not bring good news. On the work side, it indicates that you do not feel valued, they do not see the fruit of your effort and that generates a lot of disappointment and discomfort. Death together with El Diablo speaks to us with detachment. These cards recommend starting your own business, a personal business.

In love the picture is similar. Death and The Devil presage misunderstandings, a very painful separation after a disappointment. Suffering that will be long and will affect various areas of your life, such as work and family.

Death with the Tower

Death and The Tower (XVI) is one of the most fearful combinations, since it is the announcement of a drastic change, everything is turned upside down. Breakups with the couple are visualized, terms of projects in the workplace to start something new. This is a totally radical change in all aspects of life.

Death with the Star

Changes in work that lead you to a new financial project or business, that is indicated by Death and The Star (XVII) when they appear combined in a Tarot reading. They also predict strong changes that will bring hope, a good future. Overcoming problems.

In the field of love, the relationship ends because you are interested in another person and your spouse finds out, it can also be the opposite, that you are suspecting something about your partner.

Death with the Moon

Death and the Moon (XVIII) speak of suffering that comes from changes, surprises that mark you emotionally. This duo speaks of doubts, uncertainty, change of partner, breakup of relationships.

Death with the Sun

The transformation in all areas of your life is still present with Las Muerte and El Sol (XIX) combined. The good thing about this duo is that it heralds good times after those radical changes. Everything begins to improve, although breaks or periods of estrangement are visualized in the love affair. However, a reconciliation can take place if they are supported by communication.

If you are in a toxic relationship, be it love or work, it is coming to an end and you begin to see things with renewed energy. From now on in the labor sphere everything will be positive and satisfactory.

Death with Judgment

Your bosses value your work and excellent rewards are coming, that is indicated by Death and Judgment (XX) when they appear together in a card reading. These Major Arcana indicate that in love you are going to restart, a relationship ends, but you feel more energetic to start something new.

Death with the World

A positive combination is that of La Muerte con El Mundo (XXI), since they predict a successful work future, empowerment, recovery of inner power after breaking up with a love relationship that no longer worked. Again, this duo speaks of great transformation processes in life, but all of them positive and that will bring greater self-confidence.

If you are starting a new job, the adaptation process will be quick, if a bit hard at first. Everything will pass and you will feel like a fish in water. From this moment everything will be good to learn new things and grow professionally.

Meaning of the Arcana

It may be of interest to you to know the meaning of both the Arcana, both Major and Minor –> Meaning of the Arcana <– at its broadest level of concreteness.