Arcana Combinations with The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man card, also called The Hanged Man, is one of the Major Arcana of the Tarot that is represented by the number twelve (XII). The Hanged Man is linked to the Hebrew letter Lamed and to winter. He is also associated with the planet Neptune and with the element of Air.

The Hanged Man, by itself, is a card that represents the way of seeing things from another point of view. This card describes a person who thinks things a lot and a person trapped in passivity, although he has the ability to get out of that state. Now, when in a Tarot reading, the Hanged Man card appears combined with another Major Arcana, the meaning can vary.

The Hanged Man with the Fool

When The Hanged Man and The Fool (0) appear together in a Tarot reading, it indicates that there are past mistakes that can be made again. Many irresponsible acts have been committed in the past and if awareness is not raised, they can be repeated.

This duo recommends not changing jobs at this time, or investing money. Another of the things that these combined cards warn is that it is not a good time to start a love relationship. This situation will pass and an excellent period will come for the consultant. The necessary protection and stability arrives.

The Hanged Man with The Wizard

The Hanged Man followed by The Magician (I) in a Tarot reading is a sign that a problem is going to be solved very soon. This combination brings good news. If there are conflicts in your life, they will disappear, solutions will come and you will no longer feel suffocated by problems.

This duo also heralds the appearance of a person who offers you help to resolve your concerns. Something good appears or comes into your life unexpectedly. In the labor sphere, when El Colgado and El Mago appear, it is a sign that personnel restructuring so that the projects of a company flow, new trained workers arrive who will bring everything afloat.

On the other hand, in the field of romance, these Major Arcana indicate that the couple will begin to live better times and get out of the routine doing new things. Lovers recover the magic of the relationship.

The Hanged Man with The High Priestess

It is probably time to make a sacrifice for someone, that is indicated by The Hanged Man and The High Priestess (II) when they appear together. It may be a sacrifice for a child or for a family member who needs your help.

In couple relationships, this couple points out that the woman is the one who is assuming the heaviest responsibilities, but that does not make her feel bad. That woman, who can be the consultant, feels happy and proud to take on more responsibilities.

On the labor level, if you do not have a job, these cards portend that you will have to make a greater effort to get a job, but eventually you will find it and it will be the right one for you. The effort that these cards speak of refers to studies, improvement of skills and major specializations.

The Hanged Man with The Empress

The sacrifices and the effort made by something or someone begin to give excellent results, that is indicated by the card of The Hanged Man when it appears followed by The Empress (III). These Major Arcana combined also indicate that the situations that caused you to suffocate will be resolved and you will begin to enjoy very good moments in life.

In the field of love, The Hanged Man and The Empress predict the end of a period of crisis and the beginning of moments of happiness and tranquility. Meanwhile, at work, this duo portends positive results from a great investment you have made.

The Hanged Man with The Emperor

Combination that brings good news. The Hanged Man and The Emperor (IV) together in a Tarot reading indicate that the negative moments leave your life and you begin to live a stage of absolute positivity. Everything starts to go well, as you planned. You can say goodbye to the losing streak for a good time. Many doubts and uncertainties were in your head, but these cards announce that they will leave and you are taking back your power.

A promotion at work will be announced to you at any time. This challenge will require all your dedication and dedication, the satisfaction will be great and you will receive new economic resources that will improve your quality of life.

The Hanged Man with The High Priest

The Hanged Man and The High Priest (V) or Pope, when they appear together in a Tarot spread, augur that you are going to receive spiritual support from a wise person. He listens to what he has to tell you carefully. It can also be material help from someone with prestige or power.

That wise person will get you out of doubt and will make your life come out of that state of discouragement in which it finds itself. If you have an inner crisis, you feel stuck or paralyzed, that stage will pass, you will get out of that situation.

The Hanged Man with the Lovers

The Hanged Man and The Lovers (VI) combined are Major Arcana that describe a person who has the courage to start a new relationship, there are responsibilities that he does not dare to leave. This duo indicates to the consultant that he may be falling in love with someone who is engaged, someone who is married or who does not want to be in a commitment.

On the other hand, The Hanged Man and The Lovers predict little will to make decisions, they predict doubts, confusion, it is not known which way to go. This applies to life and also to the professional area.

The Hanged Man with The Cart

You are going to make a decision that will get you out of stagnation and reactivate your life, that is what The Hanged Man and The Car (VII) talk about when they appear together in a Tarot spread. If you felt depressed, you will get out of that situation and start to move forward in a positive way. This duo may indicate that someone close to you is coming out of a depression.

In the professional field, the message is the same, these Major Arcana presage progress of your company or personal brand, you get out of the paralysis in which you were and everything is reactivated. The period of economic downturn ends

The doubts you had about your partner or the relationship in general are diluted. They may take a trip to renew love and get out of the routine. A cycle closes and a new one begins with greater force.

The Hanged Man with Justice

When The Hanged Man appears combined with Justice (VIII) in a Tarot consultation, they predict balance in responsibilities. If you were carrying the heaviest load, now things will be balanced and fair. Responsibilities will be shared and you will feel more relieved and calm.

Legal conflicts will be resolved in your favor, but you will have to dedicate a great effort so that everything goes well, that includes dedication and money. Likewise, in relationships or work, you can release the burdens that did not belong to you and the balance will return. You will work for justice.

The Hanged Man with The Hermit

This combination of The Hanged Man with The Hermit (IX) warns of a person who will get close to you and who does not like to work or take on responsibilities. These Major Arcana recommend removing that person from your life, even if you appreciate him. In love, this duo speaks of a relationship that does not materialize. The same at work, you do not achieve the desired, a project does not take shape. These letters invite you to leave your comfort zone.

The Hanged Man The Wheel of Fortune

The Hanged Man and The Wheel of Fortune (X) herald the beginning of a new cycle full of obstacles along the way. This couple indicates that it is necessary to work hard to jump the stones of the road and walk towards a new horizon.

On the other hand, these combined cards predict personal power to get ahead, willpower and a positive attitude in the face of problems that arise on a day-to-day basis. It is time to achieve goals and success. This duo also speaks of evolution, improvements in the economic field or job change that will bring positive things.

The Hanged Man with The Force

Hangman followed by Strength (XI) are a good omen combination. These cards together indicate that the time of bad vibes is finally over and you begin to vibrate positively. Time to solve problems, obstacles and difficulties disappear.

Finances also improve because your evaluators begin to value your effort and your work. This duo also speaks of evolution in the field of love, in the family.

The Hanged Man with Death

The Hanged Man followed by Death (XIII) in a Tarot spread augur bad news in economic matters, money will be lacking, even this duo speaks of bankruptcy. These cards predict changes that will end the old to make way for new ways of living, it can also refer to changes in work that will end old ways of functioning.

Meanwhile, in the romantic realm, these Major Arcana together predict the culmination of a relationship. You put up with too many responsibilities that weren't yours.

The Hanged Man with Temperance

If The Hanged Man and Temperance (XIV) appear combined in a card consultation, the message is that you must activate yourself in order to get out of the stalemate. You feel trapped, immobile and the power to get out of that state is in you.

This couple indicates that it is necessary to strengthen communication with the couple or with the family in general. Everything will be solved by talking, do not underestimate words, silence is not a good option in your life at this time.

At work, this duo is a sign of success, all the effort put into a project or business begins to give satisfactory results. Regarding health, some inconveniences will be solved.

The Hanged Man with The Devil

The Hanged Man and The Devil (XV) warn of the arrival of a time of danger. This duo portends deception, betrayals. The invitation that these cards make is not to trust everyone because they can betray you and it will hurt a lot. There are people very close to you who can hurt you, who will abuse your trust, you must take care of everyone at this time in your life.

In the economic area, the situation is also somewhat complicated, it is not advisable to change jobs or make an investment. In terms of health, special attention must be paid to mental balance, since these cards together predict some paranoid disorder.

The Hanged Man with The Tower

You have to watch your health when The Hanged Man and The Tower appear combined in a Tarot spread (XVI). On the other hand, these Major Arcana together indicate that something is lost that was believed to be there forever. Unforeseen events are coming that not only harm the consultant, but also other people.

However, these cards predict that a new path full of positive things and new possibilities for advancement in all areas of life will emerge from a negative situation. These cards recommend practicing patience and prudence at all times.

The Hanged Man with the Star

Hope and Generosity is the main message of The Hanged Man with the Star (XVII). This duo also indicates that courage is needed to do what you have postponed for so long, it is time to make decisions and do what is due.

These Major Arcana speak of the importance of fulfilling our dreams, do not leave for later what you want to obtain so much, fulfill your goals now. The Hanged Man and The Star predict the beginning of a very important and stable relationship of affection, of great strength. In the workplace comes a promotion or recognition for your effort.

The Hanged Man with the Moon

You feel very confused and that will cause you discomfort, that is the message of The Hanged Man with The Moon (XVIII) in a card reading. At this time of your life, investments in new projects are not recommended and neither is trusting anyone, someone can wishing you bad

The Hanged Man with the Sun

The major arcana The Hanged Man followed by The Sun (XIX) predicts the culmination of an uncomfortable and very difficult situation to end. From this moment, from this determination, your life begins to be filled with light and positive energy. This duo indicates that it is a good time to relate to other people, love and a lasting relationship could arise.

In the businesses that you thought were lost, you will begin to receive good news and money will flow in abundance. Stability at work is achieved.

The Hanged Man with The Judgment

The Hanged Man combined with The Judgment (XX) in a Tarot consultation predict that life will take a positive course when you put things in their place, it is time to put things, emotions and feelings in order.

These Tarot cards, when combined, describe a person who needs to embark on a new path in life. In a relationship, old schemes and values ​​must be changed to make it work again, if not you can go down a ravine. The same is recommended at work, undertake changes to achieve new goals.

The Hanged Man with The World

The Hanged Man and The World (XXI) together in a Tarot reading presage spiritual fullness, they are a sign of inner transformation that will bring good results in everything you do. There will be very complicated moments with your partner, if you have one, but then peace and stability return.

On the other hand, in the professional sphere this duo augurs success. You have a difficult project to carry out but with effort you will be able to carry it out and victory is assured.

Meaning of the Arcana

It may be of interest to you to know the meaning of both the Arcana, both Major and Minor –> Meaning of the Arcana <– at its broadest level of concreteness.