Arcana Combinations with The High Priestess

The High Priestess or High Priestess, as she is also called, is one of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and is represented by the number two (II).

This card is linked to the zodiacal sign of Cancer and to the Hebrew letter B. The High Priestess is a Major Arcana that is related to lack of patience, wisdom, sapience. But it also describes a single and independent person.

combinations-with-the-high-priestess-in-tarot This card is also closely related to spiritual strength and invites you to believe in the strength and power of intuition. Now, this card takes on another meaning when, in a spread of The Tarot, it appears accompanied by another Major Arcana.

The High Priestess with the Fool

When The High Priestess (II) and The Fool (0) are combined in a Tarot spread, it indicates that it is time to make decisions and actions with maturity, things should be done wisely and without impulsiveness.

This combination describes a person who is carried away by emotions and not by reason. It can refer to the querent or someone close.

Someone in your environment, such as a boss or someone superior, is making decisions lightly that could affect others. These cards together speak of emotional lack of control, character alteration, little calm.

The High Priestess with The Magician

The combination of The Priestess and The Magician (I) in the Tarot spread indicates that a personal project or business is materialized thanks to intuition. That business will bear excellent fruit and will be positive.

The combination of these Major Arcana in the field of love predicts harmonious encounters with the couple. In case of singleness, this duo predicts that someone very close wants to be by your side, he is in love with you and brings an excellent romantic proposal.

The High Priestess with The Empress

The High Priestess with The Empress (III) is a wonderful combination, since this duo indicates that life brings success, achievements that translate into fortune and good luck for the businesses or projects that are undertaken.

Hard work at work or business begins to bear fruit, you begin to see the results of so much effort in the economic area. This duo augurs prosperity in money.

The High Priestess with The Emperor

Once again, mature and safe love appears reflected when The High Priestess and The Emperor come together in the Tarot reading (IV). For those who are single, this combined Major Arcana spread speaks of the arrival of a stable, calm and very stable love.

It also augurs stability in professional relationships and at work. You get a position for a long time and the fruits are positive.

The High Priestess with the High Priest

Celestial combination of The High Priestess with the High Priest (V) or Pope. This duo speaks of the need to expand the connection with the divine, with the spiritual or religious and universal.

On the other hand, the proposals made in labor matters will be successfully approved. It also speaks of doubts and uncertainty in life, but they are easily cleared up. This combination of the Major Arcana suggests attending to the health of the heart and, in addition, having a more social life, sharing. It's missing time for joy and laughter.

The High Priestess with the Lovers

If The High Priestess and The Lovers (VI) appear in a Tarot spread, there are two important interpretations. On the one hand, it means that your opinions are valued and important projects are started from them.

In another aspect, when both cards appear backwards, they predict betrayals, someone or several people do not want to see the success that you have earned with effort. These cards together invite you to be cautious and act cautiously towards others.

The High Priestess with The Chariot

The High Priestess and The Chariot (VII) in a spread of The Tarot are a sign of self-confidence, the consultant knows where they want to go and what they want to do in life. This applies in matters of romance, love and work. The goals are clear and well defined.

If there is a problem that is causing problems, when these cards appear together it indicates that it is time to act and take control. Assume responsibility and make decisions that offer solutions in a timely manner. Do not turn things around or delay processes.

The High Priestess with Justice

Justice (VIII) in combination with The High Priestess in a reading of the cards speaks of a woman's desire to marry, the desire to marry is latent. This duo also portends serious, stable and very mature relationships. In romance, it is expected to move to the legal plane.

In the workplace, these cards announce that a high-ranking person has become or is becoming controlling and does not give in to the proposals of others.

The High Priestess with The Hermit

The High Priestess together with The Hermit (IX) in a spread of The Tarot speak of a person who always acts with caution, thinks all his decisions with reason and then with his heart. The combination of these cards suggests prudence in the workplace, since some irregularities are coming that could involve it.

On the other hand, in terms of romance, this couple indicates that there is a lack of communication with the partner or that they prefer to be alone. Time is needed for reflection in solitude and isolation.

The High Priestess with the Wheel of Fortune

Combination that speaks of changes in the way of seeing things in life. When The Priestess and The Wheel of Fortune (X) appear together in a Tarot spread, it means change, transformation in the ways of acting and thinking.

This duo announces that a person will come to the work area to change everything, to reorder the functions and that it will also cause insecurity and concern in the workers.

On the other hand, The Priestess with The Wheel of Fortune speaks of the need to change the way of seeing things, try to accept the changes that are taking place in life and in the world, broaden beliefs and horizons, less rigid thoughts.

The High Priestess with The Force

In a reading of The Tarot, when The High Priestess comes out in the company of The Force (XI) they speak of a self-confident person, a patient person, emotionally stable and very clear.

If the querent is thinking of moving, these two cards indicate that it is a good time to do so and that everything will go very well. A new environment to live will be positive. This duo also augurs the arrival of a mature love that offers security and stability.

The High Priestess with The Hanged Man

Somewhat complicated combination of The High Priestess with The Hanged Man (XII), since both cards reflect a person involved in many conflicts that block their energies and things do not go normally and at their perfect pace.

These cards together predict restlessness, disorder, anxiety, contradictions in thoughts and a lot of worry due to stress. The need to stop and analyze the causes of this uneasiness are essential to return to the path of peace.

The High Priestess with Death

An excellent combination of The Priestess with Death (XIII), since these cards together speak of the closing of cycles and the beginning of better things. Work successes are yet to come, new relationships that make you grow in various aspects of life.

This pair also speaks of the fact that any project that is started will bring financial success and prosperity, abundance. On the other hand, in relation to health, it portends good condition. These cards together speak of a completely healthy person; however, they invite you to have healthy habits that strengthen the functions of the brain. They also talk about taking care of the health of the legs and the circulatory system.

The High Priestess with Temperance

In the Tarot reading, the combination of the Priestess with Temperance (XIV) indicates that the desired peace with oneself is fully achieved. You enter a time of deep tranquility and spiritual reflection. In business and work, wise decisions are envisioned that will bring positive harvests.

The High Priestess with The Devil

It is time to set limits and fix the things that are messy in life, that means the Priestess and The Devil (XV) together in a card reading. This combination speaks of the need for control, to order ideas and emotions.

This duo invites you to visit an endocrine, it also indicates that actions guided by lust and debauchery can bring problems in your life, in all areas. There must be balance in everything for things to go well. These cards invite you not to surrender completely to your passions.

The High Priestess with The Tower

A harbinger of internal and personal crisis is brought by La Papisa and La Torre (XVI) when they go out together in a card reading. There are certain personal dissatisfactions that cause discomfort and must be resolved with awareness and inner work.

This pair of cards also speaks of the lack of hope and faith. On the other hand, they indicate that everything is revolutionized in thoughts and feelings.

The High Priestess with the Star

The Priestess and The Star (XVII) combined in a spread of The Tarot predicts that the love of your life is going to arrive, that person you have always dreamed of having appears in your life to fill it with more joy.

This couple also indicates that a time of belief in the divine and the spiritual begins. New opportunities for personal growth and professional development present themselves.

The High Priestess with the Moon

Complicated combination of La Papisa with La Luna (XVIII). If these two cards appear together in a Tarot reading, they warn that it is not a good time to start a relationship with someone. These cards speak of secrets, of very complicated emotional problems, of lack of communication.

The High Priestess with the Sun

A wonderful combination is that of El Sol (XIX) and La Sacerdotesa, since it speaks of a woman who appears to give joy. An excellent guide arrives to guarantee success. Ideal advice to grow and obtain good fortune.

In relation to romance and love life, these cards together speak of unconditional love. In the workplace, they predict success, projects that bear fruit and goals that are achieved after so much effort.

The High Priestess with Judgment

The combination of The Priestess with The Judgment (XX) indicates that secrets are going to come to light and they will be a hurricane, they will bring consequences. This pair of cards also speaks of intense love, renewal of ways of thinking and acting. The High Priestess and The Judgment portend new experiences and changes.

The High Priestess with the World

La Papisa and El Mundo (XXI) are a combination that indicates that what is desired is achieved with a lot of patience. It also augurs a strong and stable romance. If the reading is for someone single, these cards predict that love is coming. The best moments of your life are approaching.

Meaning of the Arcana

It may be of interest to you to know the meaning of both the Arcana, both Major and Minor –> Meaning of the Arcana <– at its broadest level of concreteness.