Arcana Combinations with The Moon

The Moon is one of the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot and is represented by the number eighteen (XVIII). This card usually announces problems, as well as the evolution of feelings. On the other hand, when this arcane appears only in a Tarot query, it refers to intuition, to the querent's psyche, to his emotional potential, to situations that must be resolved.

Although it usually warns about the appearance of problems, The Moon also brings a positive charge to the subconscious level. Now, the meaning of this card varies when it appears followed by another Major Arcana. Below, you will see the interpretations of their combinations.

The Moon with the Fool

When The Moon appears followed by The Fool (0) in a card reading, it portends a feeling of malaise, discomfort regarding a situation. It is possible that an event makes you feel frustrated. You will be feeling unsure of yourself, of your decisions.

On the other hand, this combination of Major Arcana speaks of the desire to start over, to embark on a new path, a new life, to start from scratch and, for this, you are going to make decisions that you will put into practice.

For people who are in a relationship, this combination is an omen of distrust, even the bond that united them can be terminated. Things could be fixed, but it will be very difficult as long as the lies are not abandoned.

The Moon with the Magician

The Moon together with The Magician (I) warns about a person with a lot of influence who works hidden and has power over you. It may be some witchcraft or magic that they are doing against you. Another interpretation of this couple has to do with the inner strength that is in fullness within you.

On the other hand, The Moon and The Magician announce the culmination of a difficult time, of complicated moments that have given you a lot to do and have kept you tired and confused. That moment will pass and you will begin to be calm again. You free yourself from a bad situation.

The Moon with the High Priestess

If The Moon appears followed by The High Priestess (II) they indicate that you will get out of a difficult situation thanks to the help of a very wise person who comes into your life. You will open your eyes in many aspects, you will realize the false things that surrounded you. If you had doubts about someone or something in your life, you will see the truth through a revelation.

Likewise, this duo augurs great personal and spiritual growth. If you ask for someone during the consultation, these Major Arcana describe an older woman who has been lying or deceiving you. Take action on it and stay away from that person.

The Moon with The Empress

Good news comes to help you get out of a problematic circumstance, that's what The Moon and The Empress (III) talk about when they appear combined in a card reading. This duo is an omen of problem solutions, conflicts that are diluted.

In the field of love, The Moon and The Empress presage the arrival of a person who will bring you a lot of joy, so much so that it will help you get out of a sad and discouraged stage you are going through. You will feel comfortable with that person, they will attract you a lot.

The Moon with The Emperor

The Moon and The Emperor (IV) combined in a Tarot spread bring good news in love. A special person comes into your life who will give you a wonderful feeling of security and tranquility. It will be your love, but also your strength, your friend, your everything. They will make a great team together.

This duo also means that the strength you needed to get out of a difficult situation appears within you. You overcome bad times, you come out of an existential or economic crisis. These Major Arcana also portend healing after a long period of physical discomfort or depression.

The Moon with the High Priest

When The Moon and The High Priest (V) appear together, they speak of the need to find faith in order to overcome a bad moment. This duo is a sign of reflection, you need to meditate, spend more time with yourself, travel within yourself to find the meaning of your life. In this inner journey, someone will appear to guide you, stay tuned.

In love, if you have a partner and this pair comes out, it means that you are going to overcome a bad time, the love you have is going to be the shield against the problems that you have to face. They will come out of this crisis well.

The Moon with Lovers

Watch out! When The Moon and The Lovers (VI) appear combined in a card query, it is a sign of infidelity, deception, love in the dark. It may be that the consultant is confused between two loves and does not know who to decide on, or that his partner is in that situation. Truths that are hidden, that means La Lula and Los Enamorados combined.

Meanwhile, in business, these Major Arcana presage arguments or misunderstandings between partners. Dissolution of associated companies, breakup of companies due to problems between the parties.

The Moon with the Chariot

A trip with complications at the door, that's what La luna and El Carro (VII) warn. When these combined Major Arcana appear in a Tarot reading, it means that you have to make provisions for a trip that has been planned by someone other than the consultant. This duo also warns of a misleading offer by a travel agency

As for the personal aspect, The Moon and The Chariot predict the taking of control of life, of emotions and feelings. In the realm of romance, confusing situations are cleared up and the relationship improves.

The Moon with Justice

The combination of The Moon and Justice (VIII) speak of the light that enters your life to get you out of a season of darkness. You felt in the shadows and now you can see the clarity. You come out of a deep emotional crisis.

After many conflicts and entanglements, the truth comes to light, a great lie is discovered and you leave the deception, that is also foreshadowed by The Moon and Justice when they appear together in a Tarot reading.

In the professional and labor field, truths are also going to come out that are going to compose everything that was in disorder. Meanwhile, in the sphere of love, be very careful with someone who can use deception to get married.

The Moon with the Hermit

You will want to be alone to reflect on your life, that is indicated by The Moon and The Hermit (IX) when they go out together in a Tarot consultation. You feel that you are confused and that is why you want to be alone to clarify your ideas and make decisions.

In love, these cards speak of the loss of hope in living together as a couple as a result of having been the victim of many deceptions. You are at a time in your life when you are not going to believe in love, in anything or anyone.

The Moon with the Wheel of Fortune

When The Moon appears followed by The Wheel of Fortune (X) it is a harbinger of insecurity in decision making, it is not known which way to go. You are going to experience a stage of uncertainty and constant changes, today you can be stable and tomorrow in a very confusing situation. You go from peace to a crisis, and vice versa.

The Moon with the Force

It is time to work on self-control, that is recommended by The Moon and The Force (XI) when they appear together in a Tarot reading. These cards indicate that if you cannot control yourself you can fall into a deep emotional, economic or work crisis. Do not get carried away by your impulses, think before you speak and before making a decision.

If you are in a relationship, this duo indicates that you must be strong and not let yourself be manipulated by your life partner. These cards portend lies and deceit. You must set limits and stop believing in falsehoods.

The Moon with The Hanged Man

Attention! The Moon followed by The Hanged Man (XII) warns about people who wish you harm, enemies that are hidden, you can't trust everyone. Many deceptions and lies will make you fall into deep sadness. You feel discouraged and disappointed. This duo also warns about self-deception to continue justifying their vicious behaviors.

The Moon with Death

As much as you try to deceive yourself, something will happen that will change your life completely, that is announced by The Moon and Death (XIII) when they appear together in a Tarot reading. A bad situation ends very badly, with a lot of pain, but then everything settles down, everything will be for the best. Trust.

In the workplace, changes are coming, transformations that will favor you. Some people are going to change your life in a drastic way.

The Moon with Temperance

The Moon and Temperance (XIV) in a Tarot spread are a sign of problem solving through communication. In the love sphere, this duo heralds the overcoming of problems, thanks to serenity and mutual control. Sincerity, solidity and clarity will be present in the relationship.

The Moon with the Devil

The Moon and The Devil (XV) warn about a person who comes into your life to fill you with lies, deceit and bad times. Someone wants to get closer to you on the love plane to spend some time and get away, they have no plans for a serious and stable relationship.

In the workplace, someone uses deception to try to obtain material and economic benefits. This duo talks about scams or tricks to move you, to let you down before superiors and lose your position in the company.

The Moon with The Tower

If The Moon and The Tower (XVI) appear combined, it means that a structure collapses after discovering a great lie or betrayal. In love relationships, a breakup is visualized. Likewise, this duo warns about people who wish you harm, who want to see you ruined.

On the other hand, these Major Arcana presage a moment in your life of great sadness and pain, but then the sun will rise and you will see things in a positive way. From the bad you will get all the good and you will learn.

The Moon with the Star

Hope comes into your life, that means The Moon followed by The Star (XVII). At the labor level, new opportunities open up, cycles close and others begin that will serve to create a future full of economic stability.

On the level of romance, these Arcana describe a couple who are planning their life for the future, they are designing plans together. The objectives of both are clear and they will grow together.

The Moon with the Sun

The Moon and The Sun (XIX) indicate that doubts will disappear from your life and light enters, you see everything more clearly. It is an ideal time to make decisions. Conflicts caused by misunderstandings also dissolve.

In the sphere of love, these Major Arcana herald the end of a stage of discomfort. In terms of health, you are cured of a depression. On the other hand, The Moon and The Sun predict the arrival of someone who fills you with great joy.

The Moon with The Judgment

If The Moon appears followed by The Judgment (XX) it is a sign of inner crisis, something is happening inside you, you feel confused, you are going through a difficult moment within yourself. You are like in a hurricane of emotions. Your own will will get you out of that situation. This duo also presages surprising encounters loaded with a lot of positivity.

The Moon with the World

The negative stage that you were living, the bad streak that did not leave you in peace, fades, that is indicated by The Moon and The World (XXI). You will begin to live a stage of happiness and a lot of inner peace. Happiness that will allow you to grow as a person. Couples manage to overcome their differences and move forward with the relationship.

Meaning of the Arcana

It may be of interest to you to know the meaning of both the Arcana, both Major and Minor –> Meaning of the Arcana <– at its broadest level of concreteness.
