love tarot

In this reading of the Tarot of Love, which you can consult for free, you will have the opportunity to discover what the future holds for you in the sentimental field or to investigate your current love situation: you just have to click, because the service is continuously active.

Free online reading, the art of love Tarot

Know what will reach your heart.

Ask a question and choose 6 cards in the Love Tarot

This is the interpretation of your Love Tarot reading

The card positions represent:

1st Letter: Where does your current situation come from?
2st Letter: Reflections to take into account
3st Letter: Wish
4st Letter: Couple
5st Letter: Sexuality
6st Letter: The result

The Empress shows a special moment in which love is concerned, the world has the perception of you much more attractive, sensual and charming than ever, a peak moment in which you will start a relationship from which you will receive much love and peace. If you are already in a relationship, you are about to get pregnant with the love of your life, and with this, you will not only have an ideal and proliferating offspring, but your relationship will become indestructible.
You will have a relationship where you will enjoy love, but not commitment, because you will spend very pleasant moments falling in love, but without the complete totality that you are looking for, which means that you end up letting this relationship pass you by when the time comes. You should not put your partner between a rock and a hard place in search of formalizing what is yours, or the beauty that currently exists will be spoiled.
In the Tarot of Love, The Emperor presents himself putting the carnal and the material before the person as a whole, affection, feelings and emotions. It may be, then, that a person older than you appears in your life in search of stability, a relationship in which the arrow will not be bidirectional initially, but time awakens affection, so this older couple can mean a lasting relationship. in your life.
The crazy in love indicates that you are not prepared to make the change to a life as a couple, beyond the people around you who try to induce you to do so. You are not prepared for a commitment of these magnitudes. Therefore, it indicates that you should enjoy your love life. This enjoyment should not put a blindfold on you that makes you not see the love of your life if it appears, since, in this moment of fun, it is very likely that it will appear, and you should not let it pass you by.
If you are in a couple, The Sun brings much more happiness than you already have, if you are not yet, a petition with an affirmative response of marriage approaches, and in the course, days of sexual enjoyment for both. If you are not in a relationship, The Sun will bring you one; someone is going to come into your life to give you lasting happiness.
When The Hermit appears in the Love Tarot it indicates that reflection is in your search for your relationship. Due to the lack of communication with your partner, a parenthesis in the relationship would be the most convenient, although, the important thing in this, will be the importance that you are giving to this relationship in your life. If you do not have a relationship at the moment, and an old partner has appeared, do not get involved in it without thinking, and consider whether or not it is convenient for you and therefore, if it will bring happiness or you would be dragging the mistakes of the past until your current present
Adverse days are approaching in the field of love, and with this, we must bear in mind that nothing done in a hurry will have a good result. With the car comes someone with very clear ideas; he wants to conquer you without caring about your opinion. Having your ideas and positions clear, you will be able to establish whether or not it is of your interest and pleasure. If, on the contrary, it is you who conquers, open your eyes in search of answers of connection with the person, and do not throw yourself into the void without looking down. Be cautious, or you will suffer a disappointment and humiliation for who you thought would accompany you on the paths of love. Spiritually The Chariot means the union of opposing forces.
Your current situation in love is complete, with current expectations that will make you feel happy because of the diversity of experiences that they will offer you. You will find opportunities in big events, unions and family parties, finding in these, perhaps, your life partner forever, since this found partner will be the ideal complement to achieve physical, mental and spiritual fulfillment.
The tower is a negative card, since it predicts different extremes in love, conflicts and breakups, you can always have productive conversations for both, being able to reach a mutual agreement thus renewing the relationship, almost like starting from scratch, with the experience to the backs added. No one except you should take part in this, nor influence or have an opinion on your decision.
You have everything you want with who you want, since you have been able to spend the moments of misunderstanding with your partner with impunity.
In love, it represents an idyllic moment to find a partner, or if you are already in it, increase the intensity of the commitment. The Magician says that the control of this change is in your hands, being the other person, the one who will follow this beginning or this advance, being you the one who must be propitious to carry out the action.
The High Priest indicates in your spread that a new union is about to take place, from a wedding to a birth or adoption of a baby. It could also be saying that a love is approaching with a path behind him, older in age, and full of life and spiritual experiences, in him, and under the card of the High Priest, a most traditional relationship will begin, in the that tranquility and clarity will be constantly present, and you should oppose going in the opposite direction to this path, it is not the time for separations, but rather, quite the opposite.
When The Lovers card appears in a Tarot reading, it means that you are at some point in your life where you have made, are about to make, or will have to make a very difficult decision. Usually it is about love or relationships, but it can also have to do with our professional lives or negotiations, and if you take the right path the result will be positive.
Death foresees abysmal changes in your love life. It may be that your current partner changes, from being somewhat distant to surprising you with ways of acting counting on you, which you had not yet seen, which will turn the relationship into a new relationship without a change of partner. If what you are looking for is to fall in love, a love such as you always wanted will appear. It can be a new person or an already acquaintance who, despite knowing you forever, you had never had the opportunity to discover each other. The death of says that if what is coming is something that was already there, it should not stay, it has to leave as it came, it is time for changes and new opportunities, not to recycle something that in its day did not take root as it should.
The Hanged Man indicates that the time of transition must be closed, in the state of a couple there is a present with little order, without enthusiasm, where both believe they have the power not to be advised and not to listen to the other, so it is not worth It's worth sacrificing any dream to prolong a relationship with a lack of love. By prolonging this situation you will be conditioning your future, so it is important to have the courage to face change.
The Wheel of Fortune in the Love Tarot tells you to match your feelings to the search to evolve your relationship. It would be a kind of balance - imbalance - rebalancing. Go back to the beginning to redirect the relationship to a good port. If love has not yet knocked on your door, it is coming to you; a relationship of rapid consolidation arrives, with a healthy and balanced evolution.
Within a couple, both have the same functions and duties, traveling between them a path in the same direction. If Justice appears, it means that one of the parties is missing these functions and duties, within the cleanliness and transparency of the relationship. Doing a mental analysis, it is easy to assume the percentage of blame that belongs to you at this juncture; knowing the error it is easier to address it. If you do not solve it and do not reach the state of respect, your relationship may not end well, it will not prosper and it may even end.
When The Devil appears in the Love Tarot, it means that your relationship is no longer so special and romantic. It is still a passionate relationship but, without the fundamental pillars of a relationship, which are respect and understanding, so, both as a couple and as an individual element, the disappointments will speak for themselves.
Good times are coming, as if you were carrying a magnet for ideals. They will come closer, but you have to know how to receive it; use your intelligence and you will achieve fullness in sincere love.
It is an idyllic and perfect moment if you are looking for a partner. If you are already in a relationship, it will multiply your smile with a positive change, and if you are looking to expand the family, it is the ideal time to get pregnant. Respect, support and understanding will be the pillars of your relationship, so you are at an ideal point to make joint plans.
The Force card informs you that a romance arrives with a high intensity in which there will be a lot of sex and a lot of love. Take off the handbrake that you have put on your romantic relationships, which is one worth enjoying, and possibly unbreakable, with a respective increase in your personal security, which will allow you to fully enjoy what life brings you.

If you liked the result, visit other readings on our website.

Life as a couple does not always offer the security and certainty of taking the right path.

When you are in a state of uncertainty, and your questions no longer have answers, you can overcome this phase with a simple reading of the cards, free online. Don't hesitate, take advantage of the free virtual consultation of your sentimental destiny, don't waste time... The cards are waiting for you!

With spiritual guidance by your side, helping you resolve doubts and perplexities and evaluate the decisions you need to make, your love life will improve and your love intentions will be more effective.

romantic tarot

If, after the information we have given you about the love tarot, you continue to doubt, pay attention to what we will tell you: prepare to face the reading or interpretation of the cards for the first love date, let yourself go and with the With the help of questions formulated with the best positive energy, you will be able to have a wonderful vision of the future with your loved one.

Check the cards every day, so you can see your progress or blockage in your recent or future report. You need to focus intensely on the person for whom you have requested the consultation and see them clearly.

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If you are interested in the life of a couple, whatever the question, you can ask different paper money for people in love.

By reading the cards and responding to the prediction you will find a solution to your impatience, discomfort and discomfort that afflicts you and you will be able to achieve happiness.


The Victorian Romantic Tarot is the love tarot for couples most consulted by fortune tellers: they have different characteristics, especially in the design, variety of illustrations and images that date back to the XNUMXth century.

The origins of these 78 cards, with their romanticism, are clearly Victorian. They are, without a doubt, the most appropriate cards to consult for those who want to investigate issues of the heart. The questions should be asked one at a time and should be specific and brief.

Benefits you will get

A life without the affection of love is certainly not a happy existence & it lacks the union, the bond and the feeling that make the heart vibrate and that make you see things in a different way.

It is important to know what future awaits us with the person we love, so that we can take control of our lives. Professionals, through reading the Love Tarot, will give you an image of your emotional vicissitudes.

When interpreting the cards, counselors will use their innate sensitivity to understand the meaning of each card as best as possible. If you feel like you are walking on uneven, uncertain terrain and can't make a decision, the cards will allow you to see beyond the horizon and will help you solve problems.

To be guided and plan for the future, it is essential to be sure that you have not made a wrong decision. You will obtain immense benefits by consulting the love tarot cards.

You will discover, with a simple and mysterious love tarot reading of the cards, many things about your destiny: how your romantic relationship will develop, your dreams and the future you share with your loved one.

When you are about to draw the love cards remember: you will have to choose five cards in the following order:

  • Present
  • Care
  • Dreams
  • Couple
  • Sexuality
  • Future

Those who do not yet have a person next to them worry about whether they will find him through fortune telling.

Two things are very important to achieve a good result: concentration and faith. You will have to recognize the need to have a love and choose cards with strong energy.


Most common questions on free love tarot cards

In the practice of the Love Tarot, the consultants ask certain questions. Some of these questions, with simple answers are:

What is the correct way to shuffle the cards?

They are mixed by pronouncing the full name of the person who requested the query, with a series of provisions, such as dividing the cards into two decks. Then they are cut with the left hand and the two parts are joined to start

What does it mean when the cards are arranged face down?

In the event that they appear upside down, the cards have a negative meaning, but the card reader will flip them to place them in the correct position and quickly remedy the problem.

Why does the paper manufacturer forbid query seekers from crossing their legs?

If you cross your legs, the energy becomes trapped and does not flow properly, and the fortune teller feels an impediment to a clear reading and interpretation of the love Tarot cards.

Is there a trick to interpreting cards?

Two conditions that are considered successful are indispensable: the first establishes that the question posed must be considered and answered, the second instead consists of emphasizing the user's gestures when listening to the answer to evaluate their personal interpretation.

Are there good cards and bad cards?

Sometimes the cards can have a questionable meaning because, if a good omen card is paired with a negative one, the first one also takes on a negative value.

Can I find an efficient fortune teller?

Generally, you will find qualified clairvoyants following the advice of other people, who have already verified the service offered, have been satisfied and recommend them. However, here on this page you will find the best possible virtual option.

Can you deal with the same person frequently?


If you do not have special reasons and needs, it is not advisable. Doing it two or at most three times a year is the right thing to do.

I hope the advice and information I have given you has been useful.

So if you want your love cards read, take advantage of our free services that are here, at your complete disposal: you just have to click on the screen of your home computer or your mobile phone.