15.- The Devil

Anger – Jealousy and resentment – ​​Self-deception – Selfishness – Violence


The Major Arcana number 15 is represented by The Devil. To think of the fear of the word Devil, it only refers to the dark interior of the person, with their respective instincts and dark ambitions of the human being, representing in itself the unfortunate passions.

The normal card is positive, but if it appears the other way around, El Diablo warns you not only to change the dark parts, but also to bring them to light.

The Devil | love tarot

When The Devil appears in the Love Tarot, it means that your relationship is no longer so special and romantic. It is still a passionate relationship but, without the fundamental pillars of a relationship, which are respect and understanding, so, both as a couple and as an individual element, the disappointments will speak for themselves.

The Devil: reverse card | love tarot

The Devil card inverted does not portend negative things, but rather warns that not everything is correct both in feelings and in communication. You can make a decision if you do not want everything to fade, but if you are not reciprocated with the same coin, it is time to put a little ground in between, or you will both be left with a worse taste in your mouth when leaving the relationship, postponing the decision to when you have things clearer.

The Devil | Work Tarot

The world of work is in a very good position in terms of benefits, although, the Devil says that they lie in wait for you for scams, so make each decision carefully, so that it does not happen. Fortune smiles on the bold and you are, being somewhat ambitious, you will have very high profits.

If you suffer harassment at work, bring out your darkest side to avoid and/or stop it; you know well how to act with the people you meet.

The Devil: reverse card | Work Tarot

If the Devil appears upside down, it indicates that your job is going to suffer changes for the worse, you cannot allow anyone to be subjugated or belittled, regardless of the position you have in the company and fight to keep your position in the company with the conditions you have in this moment, if you neglect everything will get worse.

Do not talk too much when you are angry, the ear that is going to listen to you is not a neutral ear, so, one way or another, it is going to bounce back, worsening your working conditions or even losing your job.

The Devil | Health Tarot

Positive changes lie in wait, so relax, because everything is good in terms of health.

Take extreme precautions when it comes to sex, avoid commitments to people not grata, but give yourself over to passion with care and caution.

The Devil: reverse card | Health Tarot

The inverse Devil card points out that you pay attention to the physical integrity of your lower parts, your sexual organs may already be giving you problems even if you have not even noticed it, more than that you are living it from the point of spiritual well-being, something that will compensate for these ailments.

The Devil | Money Tarot

When The Devil appears in the Money Tarot, it is that despite the fact that you are getting it abundantly, either through interest margins or commissions, it is obsessing you, so you have to take care of your stress, even if the Devil continues to give you a card. white in constant progressive economic acquisition; of course he is, doing everything well done, and well planned.

The Devil: reverse card | Money Tarot

When El Diablo comes out backwards, save all the money and do not plan any operation or sign any paper that compromises your economy or assets. This card is preventing you from financial ills, so do not be the reason for the change voluntarily. The scams can be there, do not trust anyone financially, and less of those who smile the most in front, since they may be the ones who are waiting for when the door opens, to be able to enter from behind.

The Devil | interpretation of the past

When El Diablo appears, it refers to a mistaken decision you made in the past, which has repercussions in the present, slowing down your evolution as a person and at work.

The Devil | Interpretation of the present

A change is lurking, in which you can do nothing, simply let it come and adjust to its positive or negative consequence. For better or for worse, stay true to your principles and to yourself.

The Devil | interpretation of the future

A change is going to come to your life, in which you still have time to redirect it to your advantage, clinging more than ever to your inner self in full swing.

The Devil | Yes or No Tarot

When The Devil appears in the Yes or No Tarot, his answer is:


You have to be consistent in how you lead life, since this is going to return what you are doing wrong.

Key dates, timing and astrology




Key dates: December 22 to January 19