4. The Emperor

Authority – Father figure – Male influence – Rational – Stable


The Emperor, Major Arcana number 4, visually a father figure, ostentatious and authoritative. He is the card par excellence of obtaining material goods, economic stability and a settled social life.

The Emperor is the complement to its major arcane predecessor, The Empress, which it complements by representing power and influence over the male gender.

Depending on the plane in which this card is viewed, we can appreciate the absence of spirit, rationality, earthly ambitions.

The Emperor | love tarot

In the Tarot of Love, The Emperor presents himself putting the carnal and the material before the person as a whole, affection, feelings and emotions. It may be, then, that a person older than you appears in your life in search of stability, a relationship in which the arrow will not be bidirectional initially, but time awakens affection, so this older couple can mean a lasting relationship. in your life.

The Emperor: reverse card | love tarot

The reversed Emperor brings distrust in the couple, and with it the destabilization of this, in order not to fall into breakage, we must make an effort to reinforce the trust and the life of both, otherwise it will not re-balance itself.

The Emperor | Work Tarot

The Emperor presents himself as a leader and candidate for the mandate, therefore, a job with people in your charge would come in handy, for your gifts of mandate, discipline and justice. In a low job, people will come to you for advice and chores, since they feel comfortable doing things the way you would.

The Emperor: reverse card | work tarot

At the moment there is no desire on your part to have a stable job, or to be losing them due to your nonconformity and your intransigence, being within your work environment, if there is one, someone who has lost admiration and credibility. Motivating elements are missing in your mind, but reality is what it is, and you must give in to it.

Be the change you want to be, go looking for awake people, lean on them, to get out of this somewhat strange moment for you.

The Emperor | Health Tarot

The Major Arcana 4 brings with it the energy and vitality necessary to smile happily. Take care of your body and your mind, good nutrition will be the secret for you to be energetic, the solutions that you give to life, which will give you your perennial smile. In case you are having problems, perseverance and being disciplined are the only things you will need to overcome your difficulties, without losing sight of constant monitoring in health check-ups, to assess progress.

Take care of your mind with meditation, and you will be in the fullness of the health of the soul, so you do not have to fall into the comfort of simply reasoning.

The Emperor: reverse card | Health Tarot

The Emperor upside down, indicates that you can have a physical accident, be careful with your extremities, and make sure that you comply with the appropriate safety measures, be it the seat belt in the car as well as sitting on the bus or in the car. train.

It is not a suitable time for routine changes or the start of new projects.

Your health needs attention and care, do not leave this aspect aside, as well as in food, it is not a good time to start diets; your spirit also needs a review, it is worth going to a guru to give it a review.

The Emperor | Money Tarot

Success will occur in everything that refers to business, acquisition of material goods, purchase of land and if you have a judicial path open, you will win the trial; all this with discipline and effort, but, for the money to come and stay, you have to have control of it, not spend because you have to without thinking about saving, so the little amount of reserve will be bigger every day.

The Emperor: reverse card | Money Tarot

When The Emperor appears in reverse, you must analyze in detail the outgoing money in all aspects of your life: home, work and leisure. For some of these sites you have created a hole where much more money is going than it should. If you do not see yourself capable of solving it yourself, seek professional help for this economic management, since you can be left with zero or even with debts.

The Emperor | interpretation of the past

What you planted in its day is now flourishing, it is time to collect what it cost so much effort to create, thus obtaining the desired conclusion in this regard.

The Emperor | Interpretation of the present

These days you need help. Today you are going to access someone close who is going to fully devote himself to helping you. A loved one of yours will give all the experience of him and with it, you will be able to get out of the difficulty in which you have found yourself.

The Emperor | interpretation of the future

Follow the paths that you have been marking and you will reach the objectives that you have set for yourself. This expansion of leadership will be expanded at different points in your life, so, as an important thing, you will take into account those who have always been by your side, giving you all kinds of support.

The Emperor | Yes or No Tarot

The Emperor card symbolizes hierarchy and authority in your life. The answer if you get this letter is:


The Emperor is a paternal symbol, it lets you know that your logic, way of analyzing and your reason, can achieve any proposed objective.

Key dates, timing and astrology



Key dates: From March 21 to April 20